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New Testament Survey

XI. Four point plan for avoiding the deception of these evil men: Jude 1:20-21

A. Build up yourself in the faith: Jude 1:20
B. Pray in the Holy Ghost: Jude 1:20
C. Keep yourself in the love of God: Jude 1:21
D. Look for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ: Jude 1:21

XII. Our response to these evil men: Jude 1:22-23

A. On some have compassion: Jude 1:22
1. Make a difference between those who are weak and those who are

willfully evil (see Jude 1:23).

B. Others save with fear: Jude 1:23
1. Pull them out of the fire of sin/hell; Pull them out, do not join them in

their sin.

2. Hate even the garments spotted by flesh.

XIV. Closing benediction: Jude 1:24-25

A. What He does for us now: He is able to keep us from falling: Jude 1:24
B. What He will do later: Present us faultless: Jude 1:24
1. Before the presence of His glory.
2. With exceeding great joy.
C. To the only wise God our Savior, now and forever, be: Jude 1:25
1. Glory.
2. Majesty.
3. Dominion.
4. Power.