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New Testament Survey




Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Name the author of the book of John.
  • Identify to whom the book of John was written.
  • State the purpose for the book of John.
  • Write the Key Verse of the book of John from memory.
  • State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of John.



TO WHOM: All believers, to whom John portrays Jesus as the Son of God.

PURPOSE: To convince that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and lead men to everlasting life.

KEY VERSE: John 20:31

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, source of salvation and way to everlasting life.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Jesus, John the Baptist, the twelve disciples


Part One: Introduction
John 1:1-51

I. Introducing Jesus, the Christ: John 1:1-18

A. Jesus, the Word, was: John 1:1-3
1. From the beginning: John 1:1
2. With God: John 1:1
3. Was God: John 1:1
4. The creative word: John 1:2-3