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New Testament Survey

B. Jesus, the life and light: John 1:4-13
1. The life and light of men: John 1:4
2. The light which shown in darkness: John 1:5
3. The light of which John the Baptist gave witness: John 1:6-8
4. The true light of man: John 1:9
5. Not received by some: John 1:10-11
6. Received by others: John 1:12-13
C. Jesus in the flesh: John 1:14-18
1. Born of God: John 1:14
2. The Word was made flesh and lived among us: John 1:14
3. John the Baptist gave witness of the Word made flesh: John 1:15
D. Jesus, the fullness of God's grace: John 1:16-18

II. The witness of John: John 1:19-34

A. To Jesus the Messiah: John 1:19-28
l. The questioning: John 1:19-22
2. The answer: John 1:23
3. The questioners: John 1:24
4. More questioning: John 1:25
5. The answer: John 1:26-27
6. The location of the dialogue: John 1:28
B. To Jesus the Lamb and the Son: John 1:29-36
l. The baptism: John 1:29-34
2. The confession: John 1:35-36

III. The first disciples: John 1:35-51

A. Andrew: John 1:34-40
B. Simon: John 1:40-42
C. Philip: John 1:43-44
D. Nathaniel: John 1:45-51

Part Two: Public Ministry
John 2:1-12:50

I. Turning water into wine: John 2:1-10

A. The setting: John 2:1
B. The participants: John 2:2
C. The problem: John 2:3-5
D. The miraculous solution: John 2:6-11