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New Testament Survey

VII. The death of Jesus: John 19:17-30

A. The crucifixion: John 19:17-18
B. The obituary title: John 19:19-22
C. A show of unconcern: John 19:23-24
D. The bereaved: John 19:25-27
E. The death of Jesus: John 19:28-30

VIII. The burial: John 19:31-42

A. Inspection of the body: John 19:31-37
B. The burial: John 19:38-42

Part Five: Resurrection And Appearances
John 20:1-21:23

I. The resurrection of Jesus: John 20:1-31

A. The evidence of an open tomb: John 20:1-10
B. The testimony of two messengers: John 20:11-13
C. The witness of the risen Lord: John 20:14-29
l. To Mary Magdalene: John 20:14-18
2. To the disciples without Thomas: John 20:19-25
3. To the disciples and Thomas: John 20:26-29
D. A summary conclusion: John 20:30-31

II. A meeting by the sea: John 21:1-23

A. An unsuccessful night of fishing: John 21:1-3
B. The solution of a Master Fisherman (Jesus): John 21:4-6
C. Breakfast with Jesus: John 21:7-14
D. Reconfirmation of Peter: John 21:15-19
E. Origin of a legend: That the disciple John would never die: John 21:20-23

John 21:24-25

I. John is the disciple testifying and writing: John 21:24

II. There are many other things Jesus did which are not recorded by John: John 21:25