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New Testament Survey

IV. Preview of the future: John 16:1-33

A. Coming persecution foretold: John 16:1-6
B. The Comforter to come: John 16:7-16
C. Prophecy of Christ's return to Heaven: John 16:16
D. The perplexed disciples: John 16:17-19
E. Turning sorrow to joy: John 16:20-30
F. Faith for the future: John 16:31-33

V. The prayer of Jesus: John 17:1-26

A. For Himself: John 17:1-8
B. For His present disciples: John 17:9-19
C. For His future followers: John 17:20-26

Part Four: The Final Days
John 18:1-19:42

I. The capture: John 18:1-14

A. Meeting in the Garden: John 18:1
B. Betrayal of Judas: John 18:2-3
C. The non-resistance of Jesus: John 18:4-9
D. Violence waived by Jesus: John 18:10-11
E. The departure to Annas: John 18:12-14

II. Peter's first denial: John 18:15-18

III. The hearing before Annas: John 18:19-24

A. Testimony of defense: John 18:19-21
B. Judgment by Annas: John 18:22-24

IV. The second denial by Peter: John 18:25-26

V. The third denial by Peter: John 18:26-27

VI. The hearing before Pilate: John 18:28-19:16

A. Public hearing: John 18:28-32
B. Private hearing: John 18:33-38
C. Barabbas: John 18:38-40
D. Abuse by the Romans: John 19:1-3
E. Death demanded: John 19:4-8
F. Pardon rejected: John 19:9-16