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New Testament Survey


1. Jesus makes several statements about Himself in the book of John. Each of these statements is preceded by the words "I am..." Study the following references:

-I am He (the Messiah):John 4:26; 8:24,28; 13:19; 18:5,6,8
-I am the Bread of Life:John 6:35,41,48,51
-I am the Light of the World:John 8:12
-I am the Door:John 10:7,9
-I am the Good Shepherd:John 10:11,14
-I am the Resurrection and the Life:John 11:25
-I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life:John 14:6
-I am the Vine:John 15:1,5
-Before Abraham, I AM:John 8:58

2. Study the relationship of Jesus with God:

-In working: John 5:19-In honor: John 5:23
-In knowing: John 5:20-In regenerating: John 5:24-25
-In resurrecting: John 5:28-29-In self-existence: John 5:26

3. John tells of eight private interviews of Jesus with individuals or small groups:

-Peter and Nathaniel:John 1:35-51
-Nicodemus:John 3:1-21
-The woman at Sychar:John 4:6-26
-The man born blind:John 10:35-51
-Martha and Mary:John 11:1-57
-The apostles:John 13:1-16:33
-Mary Magdalene:John 20:1-18
-Peter:John 21:15-23

4. There are seven witnesses in John who proclaim Jesus as the Messiah:

-John the Baptist: John 1:34-Thomas: John 20:28
-Nathaniel: John 1:49-John: John 20:31
-Peter: John 6:69-Jesus Himself: John 10:36
-Martha: John 11:27