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New Testament Survey

5. Study the life of John the Baptist:

-His office:John 1:6-18
-His clothes and food:Matthew 3:4
-His message:Matthew 3:2-10;
 Luke 3:3-6,13-14; John 1:29
-Predicted by:Isaiah (40:3-5) and Malachi (3:1)
-His testimony:John 1:20,23,27; 3:29-30
-His predictions:John 3:34-35; Luke 3:16
-Reassurance that Christ was the Messiah:Matthew 11:2-6
-The tribute to John by Jesus:Matthew 11:7-11

6. The Disciple John who wrote this Gospel also wrote I, II, and III John and the book of Revelation. You will study these later in this course.

7. Study the names of the Holy Spirit used by John:

-Abiding Presence:John 14:16-17
-Teacher:John 14:25-26
-Witness:John 15:26
-Convictor:John 16:7-11
-Guide:John 16:13-15

8. John presents Jesus as both the Son of God (His divine nature) and the Son of Man (His human nature). Study the following verses:

Son Of God: John 1:34,49; 3:18; 5:25; 10:36; 11:4,27; 19:7, 20:31
Son Of Man: John 1:51; 3:13-14; 5:27; 6:27,53,62; 8:28; 9:35; 12:23-24

9. In addition to using the title "Son of God" to stress the deity of Jesus, John used many other references to further confirm His divine nature. The deity of Jesus is mentioned at least once in each chapter in John: John 1:49; 2:11; 3:16; 4:26; 5:25; 6:33; 7:29; 8:58; 9:37; 10:30; 11:27; 12:32; 13:13; 14:11; 15:1; 16:28; 17:1; 18:11; 19:7; 20:28; 21:14

10. Study the life of John, the author of this book:

-His family: John 21:2, 19:25; Matthew 27:56; Mark 15:40
-His occupation: Mark 1:19-20
-His leadership in the early church: Acts 4:1-22; 8:14-15; Galatians 2:9
-His exile: Revelation 1:1,4,9