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New Testament Survey


(Note: This outline follows the command of the Lord given in Acts 1:8 for the extension of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judaea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world).

Acts 1:1-11

I. Introduction: Acts 1:1-2

A. To: Theophilus: Acts 1:1
B. Concerning: What Jesus continued to do and teach after His ascension through His spiritual Body, the Church: Acts 1:1-2

II. The ministry of Jesus after the resurrection: Acts 1:3

A. Its duration: Forty days: Acts 1:3
B. Its purpose: Infallible proof: Acts 1:3
C. Its message: The Kingdom Of God: Acts 1:3

III. The final meeting of Jesus with His disciples: Acts 1:4-8

A. The command to the disciples: Acts 1:4-5
B. The question of the disciples: Acts 1:6
C. The caution to the disciples: Acts 1:7
D. The commission to the disciples: Acts 1:8

IV. The ascension of Jesus into Heaven: Acts 1:9-11

A. Description of the ascension: Acts 1:9
B. Declaration of His second coming: Acts 1:10-11

Part One:
Forming The Witness In Jerusalem
Acts 1:12-7

I. The forming of the witness: Acts 1:12-2:4

A. Christ's disciples waiting in Jerusalem: Acts 1:12-26
1. The gathering of the disciples: Acts 1:12-15
a. Their meeting place: Acts 1:12-13
b. Their number and names: Acts 1:13-15
c. Their purpose: Acts 1:14