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New Testament Survey

2. The exhortation given to the disciples: Acts 1:15-22
a. The speaker: Peter: Acts 1:15
b. The message Acts 1:16-22
(l) Background: Acts 1:16-20
(2) Instructions: Acts 1:21-22
3. The response of the disciples: Acts 1:23-26
a. The nomination: Acts 1:23
b. The prayer: Acts 1:24-25
c. The election: Acts 1:26
B. The baptism in the Holy Spirit: Acts 2:1-4
1. The occasion: Acts 2:1
2. The people: Acts 2:1
3. The place: Acts 2:1
4. The event: Acts 2:2-4
a. The wind: Acts 2:2
b. The tongues as of fire: Acts 2:3
c. Speaking in tongues: Acts 2:4

Part Two: Functioning Of The Witness In Jerusalem
Acts 2:5-7

I. The first witness: Acts 2:4-40

A. The manner in which the witness was given: Acts 2:4-6
B. The reaction to the witness: Acts 2:7-13
C. The sermon by Peter: Acts 2:14-36
1. Prophecy concerning the time: Acts 2:17
2. Prophecy concerning the spirit: Acts 2:17-18
3. Prophecy concerning the event: Acts 2:19-20
4. Prophecy concerning salvation: Acts 2:21
5. The work of Jesus: Acts 2:22-36
a. Jesus was approved of God: Acts 2:22
b. Jesus was crucified: Acts 2:23
c. Jesus arose from the dead: Acts 2:24-32
d. Jesus is exalted at God's right hand: Acts 2:33-35
e. Jesus is now the Lord and Christ: Acts 2:36
D. Response to the message: Acts 2:37-40
1. Conviction: Acts 2:37
2. Inquiry: Acts 2:37
3. Instruction: Acts 2:38
4. Promises: Acts 2:38-39
5. Exhortation: Acts 2:40