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New Testament Survey

IV. The first opposition: Acts 4:1-31

A. The arrest: Acts 4:1-4
1. Source of the opposition: Acts 4:1
2. Reason for the opposition: Acts 4:2
3. Form of the opposition: Acts 4:3
B. The trial: Acts 4:5-14
1. The court: Acts 4:5-6
2. Questions of the court: Acts 4:7
3. Statement by Peter: Acts 4:8-12
a. Source of his answer: Acts 4:8
b. His answer: Acts 4:9-10
c. His testimony concerning Jesus: Acts 4:10-12
d. His declaration concerning salvation: Acts 4:12
4. The evidence considered by the court: Acts 4:13-14
a. The character of the witnesses: Acts 4:13
b. The testimony of the man who was healed: Acts 4:14
5. The decision: Acts 4:15-22
a. The consultation: Acts 4:15-17
b. The decision: Acts 4:17-18
c. The response of Peter and John: Acts 4:19-20
d. The release: Acts 4:21-22
6. The reaction: Acts 4:21-31
a. The prayer of the church: Acts 4:23-30
b. The activity of the church: Acts 4:31

V. The first discipline of sin: Acts 4:32-5:16

A. Organization of the church: Acts 4:32-37
1. Its fellowship: Acts 4:32
2. Its witness: Acts 4:33
3. Its economy: Acts 4:32-37
B. The first sin disrupting the fellowship: Acts 5:1-10
1. The sin: Acts 5:1-2
2. Exposure of the sin: Acts 5:3-4
3. Disciplining of the sin: Acts 5:5-10
C. The results of discipline: Fruitful witness of the fellowship: Acts 5:11-16
1. Reverent attitude of the members: Acts 5:11
2. Unity: Acts 5:12
3. Miraculous signs: Acts 5:12, 15-16
4. Community response: Acts 5:12-14

VI. The first persecution: Acts 5:17-43

A. Source of opposition: Acts 5:17
B. Action of the opposition: Acts 5:18