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New Testament Survey

II. The first local church: Acts 2:41-47

A. Membership of the first church: Acts 2:41
1. Their identity: They which received the Word.
2. Their number: 3,000
B. Spiritual practices of the first church: Acts 2:42
1. The apostles' doctrine.
2. The fellowship of the saints.
3. Communion.
4. Prayer.
C. The living pattern of the first church: Acts 2:44-46
1. Voluntary communal system: Acts 2:44-45
2. Daily worship and testimony: Acts 2:46
3. Fellowship in the homes: Acts 2:46
4. Unity: Acts 2:46
D. The witness of the local church: Acts 2:46-47
1. Nature of the witness: Acts 2:46-47
2. Results of the witness: Acts 2:47

III. The first miracle: Acts 3:1-26

A. The miracle described: Acts 3:1-11
1. The setting: Acts 3:1
2. The man and his need: Acts 3:2-3
3. The message: Acts 3:4-6
4. The miracle: Acts 3:7-8
5. The reaction of the multitude: Acts 3:9-11
B. The miracle explained: Acts 3:12-18
1. The man was not healed by the power of the apostles: Acts 3:12
2. The man was healed by God for the purpose of glorifying Jesus: Acts 3:13-15
3. The man was healed by faith in the name of Jesus: Acts 3:16
4. The man was healed to demonstrate the fulfillment of prophecy: Acts 3:17-18
C. The message of Peter: Acts 3:19-26
1. The promise made by Peter: Acts 3:19-21
a. What God challenged Israel to do: Acts 3:19
b. What God promised He would do: Acts 3:19-21
2. The prophecy of the prophets: Acts 3:22-26
a. The prophecy by Moses and the prophets: Acts 3:22-24
b. The promise of the covenant: Acts 3:25
c. The plan of the Messiah: Acts 3:26