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New Testament Survey

Part Two: The Birth Of The King
Matthew 1:18-2:23'''

I. The conception: Matthew 1:18-23

II. The birth: Matthew 1:24-25

III. Events related to the birth: Matthew 2:1-23

A. Visit of the wise men and Herod's plot: Matthew 2:1-12
B. The flight into Egypt: Matthew 2:13-15
C. Herod's revenge: Matthew 2:16-18
D. Return to the Nazareth home: Matthew 2:19-23

Part Three: Preparation
Matthew 3:1-4:11'''

I. Preparation for the King's coming: Matthew 3:1-17

A. The ministry and message of John the Baptist: Matthew 3:1-12
B. The baptism of the King: Matthew 3:13-17

II. Preparation of the King: Matthew 4:1-11

A. His humanity attacked by Satan: Matthew 4:1-4
B. His divinity attacked by Satan: Matthew 4:5-7
C. His Lordship attacked by Satan: Matthew 4:8-11

Part Four: Ministry Of The King In Galilee
Matthew 4:12-13:58'''

I. A call to repentance: Matthew 4:12-17

II. Four fishermen called to discipleship: Matthew 4:18-22

III. Early success and fame: Matthew 4:23-25

IV. Principles of conduct for Kingdom citizens: Matthew 5:1-7:28

A. Attitudes that should characterize Kingdom citizens: Matthew 5:1-12
B. The witness of Kingdom citizens: Light and salt: Matthew 5:13-16
C. Kingdom principles in relation to the law and the prophets: Matthew 5:17-48
l. God's law in general: Matthew 15:17-20
2. The new law: Matthew 15:21-48
a. Killing: Matthew 15:21-26
b. Adultery: Matthew 15:27-30
c. Divorce: Matthew 15:31-32
d. Oaths: Matthew 15:33-37
e. Treatment of others: Matthew 15:38-48