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New Testament Survey

D. Three attitudes of worship in the Kingdom: Matthew 6:1-18
1. Giving: Outward look: Matthew 6:1-4
2. Praying: Upward look: Matthew 6:5-15
3. Fasting: Inward look: Matthew 6:16-18
E. Priorities for Kingdom citizens: Matthew 6:19-33
l. In relation to values: Matthew 6:19-21
2. In relation to service: Matthew 6:22-24
3. In relation to material needs: Matthew 6:25-34
4. The proper priority: The Kingdom: Matthew 6:33
F. Proper conduct for Kingdom citizens: Matthew 7:1-29
l. Judging: Matthew 7:1-5
2. Care for that which is holy: Matthew 7:6
3. Prayer: Matthew 7:7-12
a. Three kinds of prayer: Asking, seeking, knocking: Matthew 7:7-8
b. A comparison between the response of natural fathers and the Heavenly Father: Matthew 7:9-11
G. Special warnings to Kingdom citizens: Matthew 7:13-29
l. Two gates: Matthew 7:13-14
2. False prophets: Matthew 7:15-20
3. The proof of God's man: Doing His will: Matthew 7:21-23
4. A comparison of wise and foolish men: Matthew 7:24-27
H. Astonishment at the doctrine of Jesus: Matthew 7:28-29

V. The authority of the King: Matthew 8:1-9:38

A. Authority over disease: Matthew 8:1-17
l. Healing of a leper: Matthew 8:1-4
2. Healing of the Centurion's servant: Matthew 8:5-13
3. Healing of Peter's mother-in-law: Matthew 8:14-15
4. Healing of all types of diseases: Matthew 8:16-17
B. Authority over His disciples: Matthew 8:18-22
C. Authority over natural elements: Matthew 8:23-27
D. Authority over demons: Matthew 8:28-34
E. Authority over sin: Matthew 9:1-8
F. Authority over men: Matthew 9:9-17
l. The calling of Matthew: Matthew 9:9
2. Eating with sinners: Matthew 9:10-13
3. Answering a challenge: Matthew 9:14-17
G. Authority over death: The ruler's daughter: Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26
H. Authority over physical conditions: Matthew 9:20-38
l. Woman with the issue of blood: Matthew 9:20-22
2. Blindness: Matthew 9:27-31
3. Deafness and demon possession: Matthew 9:32-34
4. The compassion of Jesus: Matthew 9:35-38