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New Testament Survey

B. Ministry in Ephesus: Acts 18:24-19:41
1. Apollos: Acts 18:24-28
2. Disciples of John: Acts 19:1-7
3. School of Tyranus: Acts 19:8-12
4. The sons of Sceva: Acts 19:13-17
5. Dedication of the converts: Acts 19:18-20
6. The decision: Acts 19:21
7. Defenders of Diana: Acts 19:23-41
C. Ministry in Macedonia and Greece: Acts 20:1-5
D. Ministry in Troas: Acts 20:6-12
E. Ministry in Miletus: Acts 20:13-38
1. The journey: Acts 20:13-16
2. Meeting with the elders from Ephesus: Acts 20:17-35
a. Review of his ministry: Acts 20:17-21
b. Facing the future: Acts 20:22-24
c. Paul's conscience: Acts 20:25-27
d. The warning Acts 20:28-31
e. Commended to God: Acts 20:32
f. Paul's example in labor: Acts 20:33-35
3. The farewell: Acts 20:36-38
F. Ministry in Tyre: Acts 21:1-6
G. Ministry in Ptolemias: Acts 21:7
H. Ministry in Caesarea: Acts 21:8-14

V. The final visit to Jerusalem and the trip to Rome: Acts 21:15-28:31

A. Jerusalem: Acts 21:15-23:32
1. Transition to Jerusalem: Acts 21:15-17
2. Rumors against Paul: Acts 21:18-30
a. That he had degraded the law of Moses: Acts 21:18-26
b. That he had desecrated the Temple: Acts 21:27-30
3. The reaction of Paul: Acts 21:23-26
4. The rescue of Paul: Acts 21:30-32
5. Replies by Paul: Acts 21:33-23:10
a. The Jewish crowd: Acts 22:1-23
b. The Roman centurion: Acts 22:24-26
c. Chief captain: Acts 22:26-30
d. The Sanhedrin: Acts 23:1-10
(l) Paul's confession: Acts 23:1
(2) Encounter with the high priest: Acts 23:2-5
(3) A divided court: Acts 23:6-10
6. The revelation to Paul: Acts 23:11
7. Revenge against Paul: Acts 23:12-15
8. Rescue of Paul: Acts 23:16-32
a. The plot revealed: Acts 23:16-22
b. The letter: Acts 23:25-30
c. The escape: Acts 23-32