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New Testament Survey

B. Caesarea: Acts 23:33-26:32
1. Before Felix: Acts 23:33-24:27
a. The accusations of Tertulius: Acts 24:1-9
b. The answer of Paul: Acts 24:10-21
c. The response of Felix: Acts 24:22-27
2. Before Festus: Acts 25:1-12
3. Festus and Agrippa: Acts 25:13-27
4. Before Agrippa: Acts 26:1-32
a. Paul speaks for himself: Acts 26:1-23
b. Invitation to the Savior: Acts 26:24-29
c. The verdict: Acts 26:30-32
C. Enroute to Rome: Acts 27:17-28:31
1. The storm: Acts 27:1-44
2. The serpent: Acts 28:1-6
3. The healing: Acts 28:7-10
4. The journey continues: Acts 28:11-15
D. Rome: Acts 28:16-31
l. Meeting with the Jews: Acts 28:16-29
2. Ministry: Acts 28:30-31