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New Testament Survey


1. Create a chart to study all of the miracles which are recorded in the book of Acts.

Type Of MiracleMethod UsedOccasionPeople InvolvedResults

2. Study the sermons of Acts. Create a chart to record your studies:

ReferenceSpeakerAudienceSummary Of Message

3. Study all the prayers recorded in the book of Acts. Use a chart to organize your study:

ReferenceOccasionWho Was PrayingSummary Of PrayerResults Of Prayer

4. Study the life of the Apostle Paul using the following outline:

-Paul's early life: Acts 22:3
-Paul's persecution of Christianity: Acts 8:1-4; 9:1-2
-Paul's conversion: Acts 9:3-21
-Paul's early years of service: Acts 9:22-31; 11:22-30
-First missionary journey: Acts 13:1-14:28
-The Jerusalem Council: Acts 15:1-35
-Second missionary journey: Acts 15:36-18:22
-Third missionary journey: Acts 18:23-21:27
-Paul visits Jerusalem, is arrested, sent to Caesarea, appeals to Caesar: Acts 21:17-26:32
-The journey to Rome by sea: Acts 27:1-44
-Paul's first Roman imprisonment (two years): Acts 28:1-31
-Paul's final travels: Romans 15:28
-Paul's second Roman imprisonment and martyrdom: II Timothy 4:6

5. In the Gospel of Luke the Apostle Luke wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach in His fleshly body. In the book of Acts, Luke records the things Jesus continues to do and teach through His spiritual Body, the Church.