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New Testament Survey

6. Study the similarities between the ministries of Peter and Paul as recorded in the book of Acts in the chapters indicated:

First sermon: 2First sermon: 13
Lame man healed:3 Lame man healed: 14
Simon the sorcerer: 8Elymas the sorcerer: 13
Influence of shadow: 5Influence of handkerchiefs: 19
Laying on of hands: 8Laying on of hands: 19
Peter worshiped: 10Paul worshiped: 14
Tabitha raised: 9Eutychus raised: 20
Peter imprisoned: 12Paul imprisoned: 28

7. Life in the first church was:

-Confessing: Acts 2:4
-Convicting: Acts 2:7
-Converting: Acts 2:37
-Consistent: Acts 2:42
-Continuing: Acts 2:46
-Communing: Acts 2:46
-Contagious: Acts 2:47

8. The following summary will help you remember the content of the book of Acts.

-Person: Jesus Christ
-Power: Holy Spirit
-Preachers: Peter, Paul, Stephen, Philip
-Places: Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, uttermost parts of the world
-Program: Extension of the Gospel message

9. In Acts 2, Peter refers to the prophecy given by the prophet Joel. You can read this prophecy in Joel 2:28-32.