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New Testament Survey

c. Our position in baptism: Romans 6:3-11
(l) The question of ignorance concerning baptism: Romans 6:3
(2) The importance of baptism: Romans 6:4
(3) The application to believers: Romans 6:5-10
(4) The call to this position: Romans 6:11
2. The believer's death to the practice of sin: Romans 6:15-23
a. The question of continued sin: Romans 6:15
b. Rejection of the suggestion: Romans 6:15
c. An answer from the illustration of slavery: Romans 5:16-23
(1) The question concerning two services: Romans 6:16
(2) The believer's experience with both services: Romans 6:17-18
(3) An appeal for the new position: Romans 6:19
(4) The contrast between the two: Romans 6:20-22
(5) The result of the two services: Romans 6:23
B. The believer's relationship to the law: Romans 7:1-25
1. Dead to the law but alive to God: Romans 7:1-6
a. The dominion of the law: Romans 7:1
b. An illustration from the law of marriage: Romans 7:2-3
c. The application of the principle to the believer: Romans 7:4-6
2. The inability of the law to deliver from sin: Romans 7:7-25
a. The relation of the law to sin: Romans 7:7-13
(1) The nature of the law is not sinful: Romans 7:7
(2) The revelation of sin through the law: Romans 7:7-13
(3) The work of sin through the law: Romans 7:8-11
(4) The law's revelation of the sinfulness of sin: Romans 7:12-13
b. The law's inability to give victory over sin: Romans 7:14-25
(l) The first confession of defeat by sin: Romans 7:14-17
(2) The second confession of indwelling sin: Romans 7:18-20
(3) The third confession and the way of victory: Romans 7:21-25
C. The believer's victory through the Spirit: Romans 8:1-39
1. Deliverance from the power of the flesh by the Spirit: Romans 8:1-11
a. The believer's freedom from condemnation: Romans 8:1-2
b. The basis for the deliverance: Romans 8:3
c. The purpose of the deliverance: Romans 8:4
d. The method of the deliverance: Romans 8:5-10
(1) The two classes of men: Romans 8:5
(2) The two minds: Romans 8:6-7
(3) The two spheres: Flesh and spirit: Romans 8:8-11
e. The deliverance from physical death: Romans 8:11
2. The life of sonship through the Spirit: Romans 8:12-17
a. The obligation to live in the Spirit: Romans 8:12-13
b. Evidence of life in the Spirit: Romans 8:14-17
(1) The leading of the Spirit: Romans 8:14
(2) The nature of the Spirit: Romans 8:15
(3) The witness of the Spirit: Romans 8:16
(4) The heirship of the believer: Romans 8:17