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New Testament Survey

3. Glorification in present suffering: Romans 8:18-30
a. The evaluation of present suffering: Romans 8:18
b. Assurances of glorification: Romans 8:19-30
(1) Assurance from creation: Romans 8:19-22
(2) Assurance from the present hope: Romans 8:23-25
(3) Assurance by the Spirit: Romans 8:26-27
(4) Assurance by God at work in the circumstances of life: Romans 8:28
(5) Assurance by God's continued working in us: Romans 8:29-30
4. The assurance of the believer's victory: Romans 8:31-39
a. The believer's relation to God: Romans 8:31-33
b. The believer's relation to Christ: Romans 8:34
c. The believer's relation to circumstances of evil: Romans 8:35-39
(l) The inability of evils of the visible world to separate from

Christ: Romans 8:35-37

(2) The inability of evils from the invisible world to separate

from Christ: Romans 8:38-39

Part Two: Historical
The righteousness of God in His dealings with Israel and all mankind
Romans 9:1-11:36

I. The sorrow of Paul because of Israel's rejection: Romans 9:1-5

A. His feeling: Romans 9:1
B. The intensity of his feeling: Romans 9:2-3
C. The basis for his feeling: Romans 9:3-5

II. The rejection of Israel and God's sovereignty: Romans 9:6-29

A. The rejection of Israel and God's promise: Romans 9:6-13
l. The denial of the failure of God's Word: Romans 9:6
2. The proof that the promise is not based on physical descent: Romans 9:6-13
a. Proof from the family of Abraham: Romans 9:6-9
b. Proof from the family of Isaac: Romans 9:10-13
B. The rejection of Israel and God's justice: Romans 9:14-29
1. The justice of God in the manifestation of His will: Romans 9:14-18
a. The question of God's justice: Romans 9:14
b. The revelation of God's will: Romans 9:15-17
(1) His mercy revealed according to His will: Romans 9:15-16
(2) His judgment is exercised according to His will: Romans 9:17
c. God's action according to His will: Romans 9:18