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New Testament Survey

c. The restoration of Israel will bring universal blessing: Romans 11:12-15
d. The indication of Israel's future from the past: Romans 11:16
2. The warning to the Gentiles: Romans 11:17-24
a. Against boastfulness: Romans 11:17-18
b. Against pride: Romans 11:19-21
c. Against presumption: Romans 11:22-24
3. The argument for the restoration of Israel: Romans 11:23-24
4. The prophecy concerning Israel's future restoration: Romans 11:25-32
a. The revelation concerning Israel's restoration: Romans 11:25-26
b. Harmony of the restoration with prophecy: Romans 11:26-27.
c. Harmony with the divine call of Israel: Romans 11:28-29
d. Harmony with God's purposes: Romans 11:30-32

V. The benediction in praise of God: Romans 11:33-36

A. The declaration concerning God: Romans 11:33
B. The questions about God: Romans 11:34-35
C. Praise to God: Romans 11:36

Part Three: Practical
The righteousness of God applied to the life of the believer
Romans 12:1-15:13

I. The believer in relation to God: Romans 12:1-2

A. Self-presentation to God: Romans 12:1
B. Continued experience of transformation: Romans 12:2

II. The believer in relation to the church: Romans 12:3-13

A. The use of spiritual gifts with humility: Romans 12:3-8
l. The need for humility: Romans 12:3
2. The relation of the members to each other in the Body: Romans 12:4-5
3. The expression of humility in service: Romans 12:6-8
a. The diversity of the gifts given: Romans 12:6
b. The ministering gifts: Romans 12:6-8
B. The practice of love to members in the church: Romans 12:9-13
l. The nature of this love: Romans 12:9
2. The manifestations of such love: Romans 12:9-13
a. Without dissimulation: Romans 12:9
b. Abhor that which is evil: Romans 12:9
c. Cleave to that which is good: Romans 12:9
d. Be kindly affectionate to each other: Romans 12:10
e. Show brotherly love: Romans 12:10