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New Testament Survey

f. In honor prefer one another: Romans 12:10
g. Do not be slothful in business: Romans 12:11
h. Be fervent in spirit: Romans 12:11
i. Serve the Lord: Romans 12:11
j. Rejoice in hope: Romans 12:12
k. Be patient in tribulation: Romans 12:12
l. Be continually instant in prayer: Romans 12:12
m. Distribute to the needs of the saints: Romans 12:13
n. Be given to hospitality: Romans 12:13
o. Bless them which persecute you: Romans 12:14
p. Rejoice with them that rejoice: Romans 12:15
q. Weep with them that weep: Romans 12:15
r. Be of the same mind one to another: Romans 12:16
s. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate: Romans 12:16
t. Be not wise in your own conceits: Romans 12:16
u. Recompense no man evil for evil: Romans 12:17
v. Provide things honest in the sight of all men: Romans 12:17
w. Live peaceably with all men: Romans 12:18
x. Avenge not yourselves: Romans 12:19
y. Respond in love and care to your enemy: Romans 12:20
z. Do not be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good: Romans 12:21

III. The believer in relation to mankind: Romans 12:14-21

A. Love your enemies: Romans 12:14
B. Love towards the interest of others: Romans 12:15
C. Love towards associates: Romans 12:16
D. Love towards a sinful world: Romans 12:17-21
1. The passive bearing of evil: Romans 12:17-19
2. The active reaction toward evil: Romans 12:20-21

IV. The believer in relation to the state: Romans 13:1-14

A. The believer's duties to the government: Romans 13:1-7
1. The duty of obedience to the government: Romans 13:1
2. The reason for obedience to the government: Romans 13:1
3. Refusing obedience to the government: Romans 13:2
4. The motives for obedience to the state: Romans 13:3-5
a. From the function of the government: Romans 13:3-4
b. From Christian conscience: Romans 13:5
5. An illustration of obedience to government: Romans 13:6
6. The call for obedience to the government: Romans 13:7
B. The believer's duties to fellow citizens: Romans 13:8-10