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New Testament Survey

VI. Commissioned by the King: Matthew 10:1-42

A. The twelve missionaries and their authority: Matthew 10:1-4
B. Instructions for the journey: Matthew 10:5-42
l. Where to go: Matthew 10:5-6
2. The ministry: Matthew 10:7-8
3. Material instructions: Matthew 10:9-15
4. Spiritual instructions: Matthew 10:16-42

VII. Attitudes towards the Kingdom: Matthew 11:1-30

A. The Kingdom misunderstood: Matthew 11:1-11
B. The Kingdom perverted: Matthew 11:12-19
C. The Kingdom rejected: Matthew 11:20-24
D. The Kingdom accepted: Matthew 11:25-30

VIII. Controversies with the Pharisees: Matthew 12:1-14

A. Harvesting on the Sabbath: Matthew 12:1-8
B. Healing on the Sabbath: Matthew 12:9-13
C. The results: Matthew 12:14-21

IX. The unpardonable sin: Matthew 12:22-37

X. Christ's reply to demands of the Pharisees: Matthew 12:38-45

XI. The priority of spiritual over physical relationships in the Kingdom: Matthew 12:46-50

XII. Parables of the Kingdom: Matthew 13:1-53

A. Parable of the sower: Matthew 13:1-9
B. The reason for speaking in parables: Matthew 13:10-17
C. Interpretation of the parable of the sower: Matthew 13:18-23
D. Parable of the tares: Matthew 13:24-30
E. Parable of the mustard seed: Matthew 13:31-32
F. Parable of the leaven: Matthew 13:33
G. A summary concerning parables: Matthew 13:34-35
H. Interpretation of the parable of the tares: Matthew 13:36-43
I. Parable of the treasure hidden in a field: Matthew 13:44
J. Parable of the pearl of great value: Matthew 13:45-46
K. Parable of the dragnet: Matthew 13:47-50
L. Concluding remarks about parables: Matthew 13:51-52

XIII. The King's reception in His home town: Matthew 13:53-58