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New Testament Survey

IV. The blessings of liberal giving: II Corinthians 9:6-15

A. The basic principle of giving: II Corinthians 9:6
B. The right spirit for giving: II Corinthians 9:7
C. The results of liberal giving: II Corinthians 9:8-14
1. All grace from God: II Corinthians 9:8
2. Sufficiency in all things: II Corinthians 9:8
3. Abounding in every good work: II Corinthians 9:8
4. Blessings on the poor: II Corinthians 9:9
5. Material blessings: II Corinthians 9:10
6. Spiritual blessings: II Corinthians 9:10
7. Increase in fruits of righteousness: II Corinthians 9:10
8. Enriched in all things: II Corinthians 9:11
D. Reaction of those receiving the gift: II Corinthians 9:11-14
1. Thankfulness to God: II Corinthians 9:11-13
2. Regard for the givers: II Corinthians 9:14
E. The basis of the blessings of giving: II Corinthians 9:15

V. Vindication: Paul's defense of his ministry: II Corinthians 10:1-13:10

A. Power: The apostle's authority: II Corinthians 10:1-18
1. His appeal to the church: II Corinthians 10:1-6
a. The basis for his appeal: II Corinthians 10:1
b. The contents of his appeal: II Corinthians 10:2
c. A description of his warfare: II Corinthians 10:3-6
(1) The spiritual nature of his warfare: II Corinthians 10:3
(2) The spiritual weapons of his warfare: II Corinthians 10:4
(3) The battle in the warfare: II Corinthians 10:5-6
B. The answer to a misled member: II Corinthians 10:7-11
1. An appeal to consider reality: II Corinthians 10:7
2. The verification of his authority: II Corinthians 10:8-9
3. The criticism: II Corinthians 10:10
4. The warning to "such a one": II Corinthians 10:11
C. The claims of false teachers: II Corinthians 10:12-18
1. The boasting of false teachers: II Corinthians 10:12
2. Justified boasting: II Corinthians 10:13-18
a. The standard of measurement: II Corinthians 10:13
b. The achievement to be measured: II Corinthians 10:14-18