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New Testament Survey

VI. Apostleship: Paul's boasting: II Corinthians 11:1-12:13

A. His request to be permitted to boast: II Corinthians 11:1-4
1. Statement of the request: II Corinthians 11:1
2. Reasons for the request: II Corinthians 11:2-4
a. His personal concern for them: II Corinthians 11:2
b. His anxiety concerning them: II Corinthians 11:3-4
B. Refuting personal inferiority: II Corinthians 11:5-15
1. His position: II Corinthians 11:5
2. His preaching: II Corinthians 11:6
3. His service: II Corinthians 11:7-15
C. Paul's reasons for boasting: II Corinthians 11:16-12:10
1. The preparation for boasting: II Corinthians 11:16-21
a. The reluctance to boast: II Corinthians 11:16-17
b. The need for the boasting: II Corinthians 11:18
c. The consolation in his boasting: II Corinthians 11:19-21
2. The first boasting: II Corinthians 11:22-33
a. Boasting as to the flesh: II Corinthians 11:22
b. Boasting concerning service: II Corinthians 11:23-29
c. Boasting in infirmities: II Corinthians 11:30-33
3. The second boasting: II Corinthians 12:1-10
a. His feeling about boasting: II Corinthians 12:1
b. Boasting about visions: II Corinthians 12:2-5
c. Boasting in weakness: II Corinthians 12:6-10
D. A review of his boasting: II Corinthians 12:11-13
1. The feeling about the boasting: II Corinthians 12:11
2. The cause for the boasting: II Corinthians 12:11-13
a. Their failure to commend him: II Corinthians 12:11
b. Their obligation to commend him: II Corinthians 12:11-13

VII. The apostle's proposed visit to Corinth: II Corinthians 12:14-13:10

A. His service to them: II Corinthians 12:14-18
1. His free service upon arrival: II Corinthians 12:14
2. The reasons for his attitude: II Corinthians 12:14
3. His willingness to be spent for them: II Corinthians 12:15
4. Refutation of slander against him: II Corinthians 12:16-18
B. His concern about conditions upon his arrival: II Corinthians 12:19-21
1. Correction of false impressions: II Corinthians 12:19
2. His concerns about them: II Corinthians 12:20-21
C. His plan upon arrival: II Corinthians 13:1-4
1. The investigation he will make: II Corinthians 13:1-2
2. The proof that will be given them: II Corinthians 13:3-4
D. A final appeal to the Corinthian believers: II Corinthians 13:5-10
1. An appeal for self-testing: II Corinthians 13:5-10
2. A prayer for them: II Corinthians 13:7-9
3. The purpose of his letter to them: II Corinthians 13:10