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Old Testament Survey


l. Read II Kings 14:23-17:41. This passage describes the time during which Hosea prophesied.

2. The following examples of sin are used by God in the book of Hosea:

-An adulterous wife: Hosea 3:1
-A drunkard: Hosea 4:11
-A backsliding heifer: Hosea 4:16
-Troops of robbers: Hosea 6:9
-Adulterers: Hosea 7:4
-A smoldering oven: Hosea 7:7
-A cake half-baked: Hosea 7:8
-A silly dove: Hosea 7:11
-A deceitful bow: Hosea 7:16
-Swallowed up: Hosea 8:8
-A vessel: Hosea 8:8
-A wild ass: Hosea 8:9

3. Why would God tell a man to marry a prostitute? There were several reasons: First, by marrying an unfaithful wife Hosea understood through experience the anguish in God's heart. God's people were committing spiritual adultery. Second, Hosea's own marriage was a living visual illustration of God's message to Israel. Third, God commanded Hosea to name his children by titles which described the future punishment and eventual restoration of Israel.

4. Israel's list of sins recorded in Hosea:

-Falsehood: Hosea 4:1
-Robbery: Hosea 7:1
-Murder: Hosea 5:2
-Oppression: Hosea 12:7
-Licentiousness (unrestrained by law or morality): :11

5. Hosea used hard language to drive home the message God gave him. He used the word whoredom(s) fourteen times; lovers six times; harlot(s) four times; various forms of the word adultery six times; a whoring two times; lewdness two times; and the word whores once.

6. Hosea used three figures to emphasize the relation of God to His people: The example of a father and son (Hosea 11:1); a husband and wife (Hosea 2:16); and a king and his subjects (Hosea 13:10).