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Old Testament Survey

II. A type of the "day of the Lord": Joel 1:2-20

A. The locust plague: Joel 1:2-7
B. The people exhorted to repent: Joel 1:8-20
1. The elders (leaders): Joel 1:2
2. Old and young: Joel 1:2-3
3. Drunkards: Joel 1:5-7
4. Whole nation: Joel 1:8-12
5. Priests (ministers): Joel 1:9
6. Husbandmen: Laborers: Joel 1:10-12
C. Exhortation to repent: Joel 1:13-14
D. "Day of Jehovah": Prayer for mercy: Joel 1:15-20 Note that we are to . . .
1. Hear: Joel 1:1
2. Awake: Joel 1:5
3. Lament: Joel 1:8
4. Be ashamed: Joel 1:11
5. Gird in sackcloth: Joel 1:13
6. Sanctify a fast: Joel 1:14
7. Call a solemn assembly of repentance: Joel 1:15
8. Cry unto the Lord: Joel 1:14,19

III. The "day of the Lord": Joel 2:1-32

A. The invading northern army: Joel 2:1-10
B. God's army at Armageddon: Joel 2:11
C. The repentant remnant: Joel 2:12-17
1. Rend the heart, not the garments: Joel 2:12-14
2. Sincerely repent and fervently pray: Joel 2:15-17
D. God's response to the remnant: Joel 2:18-29
1. Repentance: Joel 2:18
2. Restoration: Joel 2:19-27
3. Outpouring of Spirit: Joel 2:28-29
4. Judgment on the wicked: Joel 2:20,30-31
5. Escape of the remnant in Zion: Joel 2:32
E. Signs preceding the "day of the Lord": Joel 2:30-32

IV. The judgment of the nations: Joel 3:1-16

A. Israel restored: Joel 3:1
B. The nations judged: Joel 3:2-3
C. The Phoenicians and Philistines especially condemned: Joel 3:4-8
D. The nations challenged to war and judgment: Joel 3:9-16

V. The prophecy of the kingdom blessing: Joel 3:17-21

A. The exaltation of Jerusalem: Joel 3:17
B. Judah's prosperity: Joel 3:18
C. Egypt and Edom's desolation: Joel 3:19
D. Jerusalem's exaltation explained: Joel 3:20-21