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Old Testament Survey

The candlestick provided light for the Holy Place. It is a symbol of God's Word.

The altar of incense was the place where incense was burned. The sweet smelling smoke ascended to God as a symbol of the prayers of His people.

The veil was a curtain between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. It symbolized the separation between God and man.

The Most Holy Place was 15 feet long, wide, and high. It was a perfect cube shape and is a symbol of heaven. It was the dwelling place of God's presence.

The ark of the covenant was a wooden chest covered with gold. It had a lid decorated with two golden cherubim. The ark contained the Ten Commandments which symbolized God's government, a dish of manna which recalled God's provision, and Aaron's rod which was a reminder of God's power among His people. Once a year the high priest sprinkled the top of the ark with blood which was a symbol of Christ's blood by which we are cleansed from sin.

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