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Old Testament Survey


1. Study the word "holy" in Leviticus. It is used over 100 times. Other key words are "sacrifice" used 42 times, "priest" used 189 times, and "blood" used 86 times.

2. The standard of holiness described in Leviticus is both vertical and horizontal. It is vertical in the message of chapters 1-10 ("I am holy") and horizontal in the message of chapters 11-27 ("Be ye holy").

I Am Holy Chapters 1-10


Be Ye Holy Chapters 11-27

3. There are five different offerings described in Leviticus. The first three offerings were instituted to maintain fellowship with God. The last two were to restore broken fellowship.

OfferingChapter Where It Is IntroducedLaws Detailed

4. The number seven (7) has great significance in the book of Leviticus:

-Every 7th day was a Sabbath.
-Blood was sprinkled 7 times in the tabernacle.
-Every 7th year was a Sabbatic year.
-Every 7th Sabbatic year was followed by a Jubilee year.
-Every 7th month was especially holy, having three feasts.
-There were 7 weeks between Passover and Pentecost.
-The Passover feast lasted 7 days.
-Unclean persons were isolated 7 days.
-The Feast of Tabernacles lasted 7 days.
-At Passover, 14 lambs (2 x 7) were offered daily.
-At Pentecost 7 lambs were offered.
-At the feast of tabernacles 14 lambs were offered daily.