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Old Testament Survey




Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Name the author of the book of Numbers.
  • Identify to whom the book of Numbers was written.
  • State the purpose for the book of Numbers.
  • Write the Key Verse of the book of Numbers from memory.
  • State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Numbers.



TO WHOM: Israel

PURPOSE: Records experiences of the wilderness journey which are a type of the defeated Christian.

KEY VERSE: Numbers 32:23

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: God is not pleased with anything less than total commitment.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Moses, Korah, Balaam, Aaron, Miriam, Joshua, Caleb


I. Preparation for departure from Sinai: Numbers 1:1-10:10

A. The people numbered: Numbers 1:1-54
B. The camp arranged: Numbers 2:1-34
C. The priest and Levites instructed: Numbers 3:1-4:49
D. The people protected: Numbers 5:1-31
E. The vow of the Nazarite: Numbers 6:1-27
F. Gifts of the princes: Numbers 7:1-89
G. Lighting of the tabernacle lamps: Numbers 8:1-4