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Old Testament Survey

H. Cleansing of the Levites: Numbers 8:5-26
I. Observance of the Passover: Numbers 9:1-14
J. Guidance of the camp: Numbers 9:15-23
K. Calling an assembly and moving the camp: Numbers 10:1-10

II. The journey from Mt. Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea: Numbers 10:11-12:15

A. Mobilizing for the march: Numbers 10:11-28
B. Hobab refuses service: Numbers 10:29-32
C. A continuing cloud: Numbers 10:34-36
D. A fiery judgment: Numbers 11:1-3
E. A murmuring multitude: Numbers 11:4-9
F. A provoked prophet: Numbers 11:10-15
G. A deadly diet: Numbers 11:31-34
H. A suffering sister: Numbers 12:1-15

III. Israel at Kadesh-Barnea: Numbers 13:1-14:45

A. Spying out the land: Numbers 13:1-25
B. The reports and response: Numbers 13:26-14:10
C. The judgment of God: Numbers 14:11-34

IV. Events during the wilderness wandering: Numbers 20:1-35:34

A. Stoning of a Sabbath breaker: Numbers 15:32-36
B. The rebellion of Korah: Numbers 16:1-32
C. The budding of Aaron's rod: Numbers 17:1-13
D. Instructions to Aaron: Numbers 18:1-19:22
E. The death of Miriam: Numbers 20:1
F. The sin of Moses: Numbers 20:1-13
G. A request refused: Numbers 20:14-22
H. Aaron's death: Numbers 20:23-29
I. Serpents among the people: Numbers 21:5-9
J. A perverted prophet: Numbers 22:1-24:25
K. A patriotic priest: Numbers 25:1-18
L. Miscellaneous instructions: Numbers 26:1-31:54
M. Territorial distribution in East Jordan: Numbers 32:1-42
N. Record of the journey from Egypt: Numbers 33:1-56
O. Instructions prior to entering Canaan: Numbers 34:1-36:13