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The Parables of Jesus

Parables concerning the rejection of the King.

The Murderous Husbandmen: Matthew 21:33-44; Mark 12:1-11; Luke 20:9-18 Jesus used parables to reveal that the nation of Israel would reject Him as their Messiah and King. In the parable of the murderous husbandmen, Jesus explains how God sent prophets to Israel with the offer of the Kingdom, but the people killed their own prophets. Then God sent His own Son and He, too, was rejected and killed.

The Barren Fig Tree: Luke 13:6-9 The fig tree is a natural symbol of the nation of Israel. God raised up Israel as the nation through which He would reveal His Kingdom to the world. Repeatedly, God tried to get the "tree" of Israel to bring forth "fruit" among heathen nations by sharing their knowledge of the true God, but Israel remained barren and unfruitful.

The Wedding: Matthew 22:2-14 Jesus also used a parable of a wedding to illustrate His rejection. Servants were sent to call people to the wedding, but the people killed the servants and rejected the Master's invitation. This revealed how the offer of God's Kingdom was rejected.