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The Parables of Jesus

Parables concerning the future of the Kingdom.

The Talents: Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27 The Man On A Long Journey: Mark 13:34-37 The Servants: Matthew 24:43-51; Luke 12:39-46 The Watching Servants: Luke 12:36-38 The Kingdom would not come at that time because Israel rejected Jesus as their King. The parables revealed that Jesus would be absent for a time from earth, but that in the end-time His Kingdom would finally be instituted. Jesus emphasized that His followers should be faithful over the tasks given them, using their talents and abilities to extend the Kingdom of God.

The Fig Tree: Matthew 24:32-34; Mark 13:28-30; Luke 21:29-32 Jesus said that one can tell when summer is near because the fig tree develops leaves and blossoms. The fig tree is a natural example of the nation of Israel. In this parable Jesus was explaining that when Israel was restored again to her own land and began to blossom as a nation, the time for the return of the King was near.