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The Parables of Jesus

Parables concerning the value of the Kingdom.

The Pearl Of Great Price: Matthew 13:45-46

The Hidden Treasure: Matthew 13:44

These parables confirm that the Kingdom of God is of such great value that nothing else compares to it. It is more valuable than any possession. If you must give up everything you possess in order to obtain the Kingdom, it is worth the sacrifice.

The Householder: Matthew 13:52

In this parable, Jesus compared Himself to the custodian of a storehouse who brings forth the items needed by the household. The custodian may bring out new grain or old grain, new wine or old wine, to meet the needs of the household. In some ways the Kingdom Jesus brought was like the previous form, but in other ways, it was entirely new. Both the old and new covenants, represented in the Old and New Testaments, have great value in the Kingdom of God and are needed by its residents.