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The Parables of Jesus

Parables concerning life in the Kingdom.

The Two Sons: Matthew 21:28-32 Jesus taught that obedience is the test of sonship within the Kingdom family.

The Good Samaritan: Luke 10:30-37 The Kingdom principle of love for others is taught in this parable. Your neighbor is anyone in need, whose need you know and are able to meet, and directed by God to meet.

The Two Debtors: Luke 7:41-43 This parable teaches that love will be demonstrated by those who have experienced the love of God and His Kingdom.

The Pharisee And The Publican: Luke 18:10-14 The Pharisee approached God on the basis of his own righteousness. The tax collector recognized there was nothing in himself that made him worthy to stand before the Lord. In this parable Jesus taught how people should approach God to offer worship, praise, thanksgiving, petition, and intercession in the Kingdom. It also taught humility in prayer and warned of self-righteousness.

The Persistent Widow: Luke 18:1-8 The Persistent Friend: Luke 11:5-10 These two parables illustrate the importance of persistence in prayer.

The Faithful Manager: Matthew 25:14-30 This parable emphasizes the importance of wise and righteous stewardship of Kingdom treasures which God entrusts to believers.

Seats At The Wedding Feast: Luke 14:7-11 This parable illustrates the importance of humility and how promotion in God's Kingdom comes from the Lord.

The Vine And The Branches: John 15:1-6 This parable describes the relationship of Jesus to residents of the Kingdom, using the analogy of how a vine is connected to the branches.

The Laborers In The Vineyard: Matthew 20:1-16 This parable teaches that eternal rewards are not bestowed on the basis of worldly standards.

The Servant's Office: Luke 17:7-10 This parable details your responsibility to fulfill the commands of the King.

The King Going To War: Luke 14:31-33 The Man Building A Tower: Luke 14:28-30 These parables emphasize the importance of proper understanding of your commitment to the Kingdom of God.

The Wedding Garment: Matthew 22:10-14 This parable emphasizes the necessity of being clothed in the righteousness of God in order to enter the Kingdom.

The Rich Man's Meditation: Luke 12:16-21 This story illustrates the folly of relying on temporal material wealth. The priority of your life should be the eternal Kingdom of God.

The Mote And The Beam: Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:41-42 This parable teaches that you should judge yourself rather than others.

The Harvest: Matthew 9:37-38; Luke 10:2 It was this story of a harvest, ripe and ready to gather, which Jesus used to focus the attention of His disciples on the need for extending the Kingdom.