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Romans 1 - Questions

    1. What is Paul trying to convey to these people of Rome when he speaks of their mutual faith?
    2. In verse 13 what does Paul want them to not be ignorant of?
    3. What did Paul want to have among them in verse 13?
    4. When had Paul known God intended him to go to Rome?
    5. Who were Paul's father's people?
    6. If the gospel of Christ were preached at Rome, why would it help all of Europe?
    7. What 2 did Paul say he was debtor to?
    8. Who did the educated Greeks think all others were?
    9. Who is it more difficult for to receive the message of salvation?
    10. In verse 15 Paul said, he was ready to do what?
    11. What unusual circumstance did Paul preach under in Rome?
    12. What did Paul say he was not ashamed of?
    13. Who is salvation for?
    14. In what order was salvation offered?
    15. What does Romans chapter 10 verse 9 say about salvation?
    16. Who did Jesus bring the message to first?
    17. When did this change?
    18. Why did Paul keep trying to preach to the Jews, when God had called him to the Gentiles?
    19. What does believeth mean?
    20. Verse 17 says, the righteousness of God is revealed from ____ to ____.
    21. The ____ shall live by faith.
    22. What does Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 say about faith?
    23. What is the wrath of God revealed from heaven against-2 things?
    24. Show 2 instances in the Old Testament where God sent His wrath.
    25. Show one New Testament Scripture where God's wrath is shown to someone.
    26. Why do some people think the Lord is slack in coming back to the arth?
    27. What does manifest mean?
    28. Why does verse 20 say everyone is without excuse?
    29. What does Colossians chapter 2 verse 29 say about Jesus?
    30. What reveals God to us, even if we have never heard a sermon?
    31. Verse 21 says, they became vain in their ____.
    32. What happened to their heart in verse 21?
    33. What is at enmity against God?
    34. The walk in God's Light is what kind of walk?

    1. Professing themselves to be wise they became ____.
    2. They changed the glory of the uncorruptable God to what?
    3. When the Israelites were waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain, what terrible thing did they do?
    4. When you worship things you can see with your eyes, you are worshipping what?
    5. In verse 24 God gave them up to what?
    6. They dishonored their own____ between themselves.
    7. Luke chapter 6 verse 45 tells us what about the beast?
    8. Why is sex sin so bad?
    9. What are 3 terrible sins God calls abominations?
    10. Verse 25 says, they changed the Truth of God into what?
    11. They worshipped what?
    12. Which is greater, the Creator or the thing He created?
    13. What are some things falsely worshipped in our society today?
    14. What does Amen mean?
    15. In verse 26, why did God turn them over to vile affections?
    16. What does (recompense of their error which was meet) mean?
    17. What 2 Old Testament cities were destroyed, because their people were homosexuals?
    18. What is sex really intended for?
    19. What in our society today does the author believe is punishment for homosexuality?
    20. What kind of mind did God turn them over to, because they did not retain God in their knowledge?
    21. What is meant by not convenient?
    22. Verse 29 says, that they who are away from God are filled with what?
    23. What is fornication?
    24. What is covetousness?
    25. What does implacable mean?
    26. What day is 2 Timothy speaking of?
    27. What type of society is this speaking of?
    28. In 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14, what is the solution to our problems?
    29. People who commit the sins mentioned are worthy of what?
    30. They not only do the sin, but have pleasure in what?
    31. In Luke chapter 21 verse 26, we see a society full of what?
    32. What are they afraid of?
