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Developing A Biblical World View

Set new objectives for:


If your church has a written policy on missions and evangelism, review it to see if it is adequate. If your church does not have a written policy on evangelism or missions, write one. A missions policy should state the purpose and objectives of your program of missions and evangelism. The Harvestime International Institute course entitled "Management By Objectives" will assist you in this area.


Begin to pray together as a committee for missions. Present prayer requests concerning missions and evangelism for which the church can pray together.


Plan a missions conference. Set up information booths in the church concerning various nations and missions agencies. The conference could include speakers on the subjects of missions and evangelism, missionaries the church supports, and related films, slides, and videos.

Advertise the missions conference in the local newspaper and through radio and television if possible and funds permit. Use banners, flags, and posters. Announce the conference from the pulpit during services and in the weekly bulletin if your church issues one.


Offer classes or Bible studies to develop the Biblical world view. Focus these sessions on the need for evangelism and the current status of the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. Use this course as a study guide.

Plan a year-round emphasis on missions and evangelism. Perhaps you can focus on a different missionary, nation, or missionary organization each month.

Start a library of books, periodicals, and audio-visual materials that will educate church members regarding missions and evangelism.


Review what you learned about the past and present involvement of your church in behalf of the spread of the Gospel. Begin to pray and plan what you will do in the future locally, nationally, and internationally.

What programs were successful in the past? You may feel led to repeat them. What present programs are successful? What new programs of evangelism and missions can you institute?