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Developing A Biblical World View

What failures have you experienced in the past and how can you avoid these in the future?

Involve every department and every age group in missions and evangelism. One way you can do this is to have a representative from each department attend the meetings of the evangelism committee. This representative can then communicate the vision and plans back to their departments.

Increase the involvement of individual families in your church by the following methods:

  • Have each family post a map in their home and mark on it the location of missionaries for whom they pray and provide support.
  • Let families entertain missionaries, international students, and foreign guests in their home.
  • Provide lodging or transportation for missionaries on furlough or children of missionaries in need of temporary care.
  • Exhibit in the home plaques, signs, and posters that promote missions.
  • Develop a home library of missionary books and magazines.
  • Keep a special jar or bank for missions offerings in which family members can drop daily contributions.
  • Give an address list of missionaries to each family and encourage them to correspond with the missionaries supported by your church.
  • A family trip to a mission field during vacation can be arranged through responsible mission agencies.
  • Parents can encourage their children to become involved in local evangelism and mission efforts.
  • Missions and evangelism can be stressed during family worship.


Increase the number of missionaries which your church supports and/or increase the level of your support. Consider sending out cross-cultural mission teams from your own church on short term missions.