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Developing A Biblical World View


Make plans to increase the percentage of the budget that goes to missions and evangelism. For example, use the following chart to challenge members of the church:

If each member gave _______ a day for missions, we would give (membership _____x 365 days times amount given by each daily___) a total of _________ a year.

For example, in the United States if each member of a church of 200 gave 10 cents a day for a year, the church would have a total of an extra $7,300.00 for missions.

Examine your current budget. What areas might be trimmed to allow more funds to be channeled to missions and evangelism? Determine the percentage of funds to go to local, national, and foreign missions.


Reorganize the resources of your church to emphasize missions and evangelism. Resources include people, finances, equipment, and facilities. Determine how you can best use your resources to achieve your plans for evangelism.


Here is a sample agenda for conducting regular meetings of the evangelism committee:

1. Opening prayer and Scripture reading. 2. Reading of notes from first meeting [by secretary]. 3. Financial report. 4. Presentation of regional reports: -Report from local missions chairman. -Report from national missions chairman. -Report from foreign missions chairman. 5. Special reports: -Fund raising. -Annual missions conference. -Training. -Reports from various church departments relating to missions and evangelism. 6. Miscellaneous business: -Any items not falling under categories listed above. 7. Closing remarks by pastor. 8. Time of prayer and intercession for missions and evangelism led by prayer chairman.