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Developing A Biblical World View


Communicate vision, goals, plans, and activities to the church and community through:

-The media: Radio, television, and newspaper announcements.

-Signs and posters: Outside and inside the church and posted throughout the community.

-Flags and banners of various nations.

-Books and audio-visual materials in the church library.

-Literature such as flyers, brochures, posters, and booklets.

-Weekly church bulletins including news items on missions and evangelism.

-Newsletters and special letters sent to church members.

-Bulletin boards featuring pictures and letters about church sponsored activities of missions and evangelism, announcements of meetings, mission slogans, and goals.

-Announcements from the pulpit during regular services.

-A missionary directory with the name, address and photograph of the missionary family, a list of members of the family, ages and birth dates, information on the place of service, and a brief description of the type of ministry in which the missionary is involved.

-Maps, both of the world and various nations in which the church is engaged in missions and evangelism.


"World Christian" Bible studies will help you keep the Biblical world view central to your life and ministry. They will also help you share the vision with others. Here are some suggestions on how to develop such studies:


Use chapters 4, 5, and 6 of this course for specific references to the subject of a Biblical world view and the world in the Word. In your own personal study of the Word, look for these key words in verses which will reflect God's global purpose: Nations-Gentiles-heathen-the peoples-world-country-ends of the earth