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Developing A Biblical World View


There is a new movement growing throughout the world today. It is not a denominational or an organizational movement. It is a group of believers who have come to recognize their personal responsibility in spreading the Gospel to the nations of the world.

This group is composed of people of many races, cultures, languages, and religious denominations. The one thing they have in common is their personal commitment to become a World Christian. A World Christian is one who. . .

• Acknowledges the God revealed in the Holy Bible as the one true God. • Acknowledges the Holy Bible as God's written Word. • Has personally accepted God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. • Has adopted a Biblical World View. • Has personally accepted the challenge to take the Gospel to the nations of the world.

This does not necessarily mean a World Christian will leave their own nation to go to another culture, although they are willing to do so if God should so lead. What it does mean is that they are committed to spreading the Gospel right where they are, in their own village or city. They are also committed to sending others to the unreached peoples of the world. Whether in full-time ministry or a secular occupation, the first priority of a World Christian is spreading the Gospel.


The people who have accepted this personal challenge have made a special commitment to God. This is what they have pledged:

"By the grace of God and for His glory, I commit my entire life to obeying the commission of Matthew 28:18-20, wherever and however God leads me, giving priority to those peoples currently beyond the reach of the Gospel (Romans 15:20-21). I will also endeavor to share this vision with others."

As part of the "Self-Test" of this chapter, you will be given the opportunity to sign this commitment.


The "For Further Study" section of this chapter gives some suggestions for obtaining materials to further develop as a World Christian. Here are some other things you can do to become involved in God's plan as a World Christian: