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New Testament Survey

F. The universality of prayer: I Timothy 2:8
1. All men everywhere are to pray: I Timothy 2:8
2. They are to lift up holy hands: I Timothy 2:8
3. They are to pray without wrath and doubting: I Timothy 2:8

II. Women in the church: I Timothy 2:9-15

A. Their appearance: I Timothy 2:9-10
1. Modest apparel: I Timothy 2:9
2. Emphasis on attitude and good works rather than appearance: I Timothy 2:9-10
B. Their worship: I Timothy 2:11-12
1. Learn with a humble attitude: I Timothy 2:11
2. Do not teach in own authority ("usurp" is to take authority to yourself.

We should all teach with God's authority, not our own): I Timothy 2:12

C. Their salvation: Although the woman was first deceived, it was through a

woman (childbearing) that the Messiah came: I Timothy 2:13-15

III. Qualifications of bishops: I Timothy 3:1-7

A. Without reproach (blameless): I Timothy 3:2
B. Husband of one wife: I Timothy 3:2
C. Vigilant: I Timothy 3:2
D. Sober (serious minded): I Timothy 3:2
E. Good behavior, respectable: I Timothy 3:2
F. Given to hospitality: I Timothy 3:2
G. Able to teach: I Timothy 3:2
H. Not given to wine: I Timothy 3:3
I. Not a striker: I Timothy 3:3
J. Patient: I Timothy 3:3
K. Not contentious (not a brawler): I Timothy 3:3
L. Not a lover of money: I Timothy 3:3
M. Not covetous: I Timothy 3:3
N. Must rule his own house well: I Timothy 3:4-5
O. Not a novice (new convert): I Timothy 3:6
P. Must have a good reputation in the unsaved community: I Timothy 3:7

IV. Qualifications of deacons: I Timothy 3:8-13

A. Grave, men of dignity: I Timothy 3:8
B. Not double-tongued: I Timothy 3:8
C. Not given to wine: I Timothy 3:8
D. Not a lover of money: I Timothy 3:8
E. Sound doctrine with a pure conscience: I Timothy 3:9
F. Not a novice (new convert): I Timothy 3:10
G. Proven (tested) and found blameless: I Timothy 3:10