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New Testament Survey

H. If married, the husband of a godly wife: (Wives have come to be known as

deaconesses.) They are to be: I Timothy 3:11

1. Grave.
2. Not slanderers.
3. Sober.
4. Faithful in all things
I. The husband of one wife: I Timothy 3:12
J. Must rule his own house well: I Timothy 3:12

V. Paul's reason for writing: Proper behavior in the church: I Timothy 3:14-16

Part Three:
The Minister And His Conduct
I Timothy 4:1-6:21

I. The minister and false teaching: I Timothy 4:1-5

A. Some will depart from the faith in the last days: I Timothy 4:1
B. Their errors: I Timothy 4:1-5
1. Giving heed to seducing spirits: I Timothy 4:1
2. Giving heed to doctrines of devils: I Timothy 4:1
3. Speaking lies in hypocrisy: I Timothy 4:2
4. Having their conscience seared: I Timothy 4:2
5. Forbidding to marry: I Timothy 4:3
6. Commanding to abstain from meat: I Timothy 4:3-5

II. Miscellaneous instructions on being a good minister: I Timothy 4:6-16

A. Instruct the brethren in sound doctrine: I Timothy 4:6
B. Refuse fables: I Timothy 4:6
C. Exercise thyself to godliness: I Timothy 4:7-8
D. Accept faithful sayings: I Timothy 4:9
E. Labor and suffer for God: I Timothy 4:10
F. Command and teach sound doctrine: I Timothy 4:11
G. Do not let your youth be despised, but be an example of believers: I Timothy 4:12
1. In word.
2. In conversation.
3. In charity.
4. In spirit.
5. In faith.
6. In purity.
H. Give attention to: I Timothy 4:13
1. Reading.
2. Exhortation.
3. Doctrine.
I. Neglect not the gift within thee: I Timothy 4:14