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New Testament Survey

J. Meditate and give yourself wholly to these things: I Timothy 4:15
K. Take heed to yourself and doctrine: I Timothy 4:16
1. Continue in sound doctrine.
2. You will save yourself.
3. You will save those who hear you.

III. The minister and his conduct towards various groups in the church: I Timothy 5:1-6:10

A. Older and younger: I Timothy 5:1-2
1. Treat an elder as a father: I Timothy 5:1
2. Treat younger men as brothers: I Timothy 5:1
3. Treat elderly women as mothers: I Timothy 5:2
4. Treat younger women as sisters with purity: I Timothy 5:2
B. Widows: I Timothy 5:3-16
1. Honor those who are widows indeed: I Timothy 5:3
2. Responsibilities of relatives of widows: I Timothy 5:4
3. Definition of a "widow indeed": I Timothy 5:5-6
a. Desolate: I Timothy 5:5
b. Trusts in God: I Timothy 5:5
c. Continues in supplication and prayer: I Timothy 5:5
d. Does not live in worldly pleasure: I Timothy 5:6
4. Responsibilities of relatives of widows continued: I Timothy 5:7-8
5. Qualifications for "widows indeed": I Timothy 5:9-13
a. A select number who are dedicating their lives to God: I Timothy 5:9
b. Not under three score years old: I Timothy 5:9
c. Wife of one man: I Timothy 5:9
d. Well reported of for her good works: I Timothy 5:9
(l) Raised her children.
(2) Lodged strangers.
(3) Washed the saint's feet.
(4) Relieved the afflicted.
(5) Diligently followed every good work.
6. Those not qualified: Younger widows: I Timothy 5:11-15
a. They will marry again: I Timothy 5:11
b. This would result in breaking their vow to be dedicated to God's

service: I Timothy 5:12

c. They would engage in improper conduct: I Timothy 5:13
(l) Idleness.
(2) Wandering from house to house.
(3) Tattlers.
(4) Busybodies.
(5) Speaking things they should not.