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New Testament Survey




TO WHOM: The "elect lady and her children," which means the Church and its members. (The Church is always addressed in the feminine gender because she is called the bride of Christ.)

PURPOSE: To admonish believers to be faithful to sound doctrine and to warn against false teachers.

KEY VERSE: II John 1:9

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: We must guard against false teachers who cause us to lose the spiritual qualities we have developed and who make us partakers of their evil.



I. Introduction: Greeting: II John 1:1-3

A. From: The elder, John: II John 1:1
B. To: The elect lady and her children who John loves in the truth: II John 1:l-2
C. He sends from God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ: II John 1:3
1. Grace.
2. Mercy.
3. Peace.

II. Exhortation to love: II John 1:4-6

A. Walk in truth: II John 1:4
B. Walk in love: II John 1:5
C. Walk in His commandments: II John 1:6

III. Warning against false doctrine and false teachers: II John 1:7-11

A. The confession of false teachers: II John 1:7
B. The consequences of believing false teachers: II John 1:8-9
1. Losing the spiritual things previously achieved in their lives: II John 1:8
2. Transgressing by not abiding in the doctrine of Christ: II John 1:9
3. Becoming a partaker of their evil deeds: II John 1:10-11

IV. Conclusion: II John 1:12-13

A. John has much to write to them but hopes to come to visit them instead: II John 1:12
B. John sends greetings from the members of a sister church: II John 1:13