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New Testament Survey

II. Authority over the temple: John 2:12-25

A. Transition to Jerusalem: John 2:12-13
B. The cleansing of the temple: John 2:14-22
l. The cleansing: John 2:14-16
2. The disciples remember: John 2:17
3. The prophecy: John 2:18-21
4. The disciples remember: John 2:22
C. Reaction to the cleansing: John 2:23-25

III. Conversation with Nicodemus: John 3:1-21

A. The setting: John 3:1-2
B. The declaration: John 3:2
C. The response: John 3:3
D. The first question: John 3:4
E. The response: John 3:5-8
F. The second question: John 3:9
G. The response: John 3:10-21

IV. Verification of Jesus by John the Baptist: John 3:22-36

A. The setting: John 3:22-24
B. The question: John 3:25-26
C. The answer: John 3:27-36

V. A mission among the Samaritans: John 4:1-42

A. The setting in Samaria: John 4:1-6
B. The witness to a woman: John 4:7-26
C. The surprise of the disciples: John 4:27
D. The witness of the woman in Samaria: John 4:28-30
E. A vision for the disciples: John 4:31-38
F. Results of the Samaritan mission: John 4:39-42

VI. A miracle in Galilee: John 4:43-54

A. Transition to Galilee: John 4:43-45
B. Healing of a nobleman's son: John 4:46-54

VII. Sickness to health on the Sabbath: John 5:1-47

A. Healing on the Sabbath: John 5:1-9
B. The Jews and the man who was healed: John 5:10-13
C. Jesus and the man who was healed: John 5:14
D. The Jews and the man who was healed: John 5:15-18