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New Testament Survey
E. A sermon following the healing: John 5:19-47
l. Jesus claims equality with God: John 5:19-29
a. In works: John 5:19-21
b. In resurrection: John 5:21
c. In judgment: John 5:22-29
d. In honor: John 5:23
2. Witnesses to the divine claims of Jesus: John 5:30-40
a. A witness to Himself: John 5:30-32
b. John the Baptist: John 5:33-35
c. The works of Jesus: John 5:36
d. The Father: John 5:37-38
e. The Scriptures: John 5:39
3. Condemnation of unbelief: John 5:40-47
VIII. Christ the Bread of Life: John 6:1-15
A. The setting: John 6:1-4
B. The problem: John 6:5-7
C. The feeding of the five thousand: John 6:8-13
D. Disappointing results: John 6:14-15
IX. Fear into faith in the midst of a storm: John 6:16-21
X. The sequel to the feeding of the 5,000: John 6:22-71
A. The "five thousand" reassembled: John 6:22-24
B. Dialogue on the Bread of Life: John 6:25-71
l. The bread of Moses compared to that of Jesus: John 6:25-34
2. The bread that nourishes eternal life: John 6:35-40
3. The living bread from Heaven: John 6:41-51
4. The bread of Christ's death: John 6:52-59
C. Results of the dialogue: John 6:60-71
l. Many turned back: John 6:60-66
2. Twelve were left: John 6:67-71
XI. Jesus at the Jerusalem feast: John 7:1-53
A. Journey to Jerusalem: John 7:1-10
B. Jesus in Jerusalem: A controversial figure: John 7:11-13
C. Inconsistency of the critics of Jesus: John 7:14-24
D. Jesus: The object of speculation: John 7:25-36
E. The proclamation of Jesus: John 7:37-39
F. The divided crowd: John 7:40-44
G. The divided council: John 7:45-53