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New Testament Survey

XII. Teaching in the temple: John 8:1-59

A. The woman in adultery: John 8:1-8:11
B. Jesus the light of the world: John 8:12-20
C. Preview of the cross and reaction of the crowd: John 8:21-30
D. The Jews and discipleship: John 8:31-59
l. Freedom through knowledge of truth: John 8:31-36
2. Sons of Abraham: John 8:37-40
3. Sons of Satan: John 8:41-47
4. A charge of demon possession: John 8:48-52
E. Reaction to the teaching: Jesus versus Abraham: John 8:52-59

XIII. Jesus heals a blind man: John 9:1-41

A. Man blind from birth is healed: John 9:1-7
B. Reaction of the blind man's neighbors: John 9:8-12
C. Reaction of the Pharisees: John 9:13-34
l. Interview with the blind man: John 9:13-17
2. Interview with his parents: John 9:18-23
3. Another interview with the blind man: John 9:24-34
D. The conclusion: Jesus, the blind man, and the Pharisees: John 9:35-41

XIV. The pastoral dialogue: John 10:1-42

A. The True Shepherd of the sheep: John 10:1-6
B. The Door to the sheep fold: John 10:7-10
C. The Good Shepherd of the flock: John 10:11-18

XV. Mounting hostility towards Jesus: John 10:19-42

A. Division over demon possession: John 10:19-21
B. A demand for plain talk: John 10:22-24
C. Jesus' response: John 10:25-30
D. Execution for blasphemy is prevented: John 10:31-39
E. Refuge beyond Jordan: John 10:40-42

XVI. Death turned into life: John 11:1-44

A. The setting: John 11:1-6
B. The plan: John 11:7-16
C. Dialogue on the significance of the event to follow: John 11:17-27
D. The hopelessness of death: John 11:28-39
E. The raising of Lazarus: John 11:40-44