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New Testament Survey

F. Results of the miracle: John 11:45-12:11
l. Reaction of some who believed: John 11:45
2. Reaction of the council: John 11:46-53
3. Implications for the security of Jesus: John 11:54-57
4. Anointed for death: John 12:1-8
5. Various reactions: John 12:9-11

XVII. King Jesus: John 12:12-50

A. Increasing popularity of the King: John 12:12-19
B. The visit of the Greeks to the King: John 12:20-22
C. The death of the King: John 12:23-50
1. Prediction of the King's death: John 12:23-27
2. Assurance from the Father to the King: John 12:28-30
3. Witness by the King: John 12:30-36
4. Unbelief in the King: John 12:37-43
5. Belief in the King: John 12:44-50

Part Three: Private Ministry
John 13:1-17:26

I. The Last Supper: John 13:1-38

A. An object lesson: Foot washing: John 13:1-11
1. The occasion: John 13:1-3
2. The act: John 13:4-5
3. The interpretation of the act: John 13:6-17
B. Exposure of Judas: John 13:18-30
C. Prediction of Jesus' departure: John 13:31-35
D. Prediction of Peter's denials: John 13:36-38

II. A message of preparation and comfort: John 14:1-27

A. The preparation: John 14:1-4
B. The way: John 14:5-15
C. The Comforter: John 14:16-21,26
D. Manifestation to His own: John 14:22-31

III. Vital union with Jesus: John 15:1-27

A. Union with the vine: John 15:1-8
B. Union in love: John 15:9-17
C. Disunion with the world: John 15:18-25
D. Union with the Comforter: John 15:26-27